
Code of Conduct

  1. Every student should bring his/her school diary daily.
  2. Children must be in their respective class rooms at least 10 minutes before the time fixed for their classes to commence.
  3. The warning bell before the class is a signal to go to their class rooms in complete silence.
  4. All pupils are expected to be present for assembly during which they pray together.
  5. Our students should be polite and disciplined wherever they go.
  6. They should greet all the teachers whenever and wherever they meet them. Building, use of foul language and vulgar behavior will lead to strict action.
  7. They should stand up when any teacher or visitor enters the classroom.
  8. They should respect the aesthetics of the classroom and of the school premises and report any damage caused, to the teachers.
  9. Students moving in the corridor and up and down the stairs must walk in silence and keep left.
  10. No shouting or whistling is allowed in and around the school building. Running in corridors is strictly prohibited.
  11. It is strictly forbidden to throw any object at anyone.
  12. Students are advised not to carry any cash and to bring valuable articles eg. Mobile phones, expensive watches, fountain pens, transistors, electronic gadgets, cameras, calculators or jewellery etc. to school. In case of loss of valuable or other articles, the authorities shall not undertake any responsibility for the loss.
  13. Mobile phones are not allowed in school under any circumstances. In case of exigency school office may be contacted for telephone purpose. Students will not be called to answer phones calls during class hours.
  14. Wearing of wrist watch is allowed from class VI. Students should not wear watches with dials and colored straps.
  15. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings. Girls are allowed to wear only small earrings/studs. No fancy accessories are allowed in school. Girls are not allowed to apply nail polish.
  16. Strict action will be taken against the students using unfair means in examination.
  17. Collection and distribution of lunch packets and other belongings is not the responsibility of the school and is not allowed.
  18. Student must wear school uniform even on his/her birthday.
  19. No students is allowed to bring gifts, presents or return gifts etc. to school to mark his/her/other’s birthday or for any other occasion.
  20. The ward of those parents, who avoid meeting the authorities, when advised to do so, may not be allowed to attend the classes.
  21. Students should avoid littering the school premises and use the bins provided for the purpose.
  22. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, insubordination, misbehavior, obscenity in any form and dishonesty are sufficient reasons for the expulsion of a student.
  23. Students are warned not to buy anything, especially eatables from the street vendors. School canteen will supply the required food-articles.
  24. Any student seen in the canteen during class hour will be fined/punished.
  25. Bursting crackers during Diwali or splashing colors/ink during Holi in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non-compliance to these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
  26. It is compulsory to have 80% attendance for the students of all classes from the opening of the academic session up to the first day of the month proceeding the month in which the annual/board Examination commences, failing which they may not be allowed to appear for the annual/board Examination normally.
  27. Student’s photograph will be attested if the photograph is taken in proper school uniform only.
  28. Late arrival to school is a breach of discipline. A student who comes late to school must enter the date and time of arrival into the record of late arrival in school.
  29. Five late arrivals will result in parents being called to the office of the Principal. Ten late arrivals will invoke suspension from the school.
  30. The Principal has the right to confiscate books. News-papers, periodicals and any other items which may be considered objectionable.
  31. All students must speak English in the school.
  32. Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged between the students.
  33. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started and no meeting, party or picnic may be held without previous sanction of the Principal.
  34. Presents to the members of the staff or other demonstration in their honor also requires previous sanction.
  35. Any pupil desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that he/she is physically unfit to take part therein.
  36. Children have no permission to attend parties, to go to the cinemas or to go to a friend’s home on their way back home from the school.
  37. All pupils must read a minimum of 10 English books and 5 Hindi books in a year. One page summary of each book read must be shown to the class teacher.
  38. All pupils should have their books in a canvas or leather bag. Aluminium suitcases are not allowed.
  39. Pupils shall be cheerful in their obedience to their parents and teachers always giving them respect and affection that is their due and accepting their guidance and correction with gratitude.
  40. Cycles must be kept locked at the cycle stand only. Students should not ride around the school compound on bicycle. While entering or leaving the gate, one must walk instead of riding.
  41. Students who come to school in the care of servants should never leave before the servant arrives. In case of delay they should report to the school office.
  42. Those who go home alone should not loiter about on the way. They should be prompt on returning home. School canteen will supply the required food-articles.
  43. Spectacle frame should not be colorful. Only black spectacle frame is allowed.
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