News & Notices

Celebrate Founder's Day on 15.04.2019

Celebrating the past and igniting the future on 48th Founder’s Day

A.S. Modern Sen. Sec. School, Khanna celebrated its 48th Founder’s Day on 15th April in the school premises. The gala celebration started with Bhajan followed by a floral Tribute to the Founder Late Mr. Madan Gopal Chopra who has a vision to start an English Medium School in the region in order to impart quality education to the students. The students and the teachers were very enthusiastic and excited while the celebrations were moving on. The Principal Mr. Shaminder Verma congratulated the ASM family on the auspicious occasion of Founder’s Day and Baisakhi. He motivated the students to be laborious and focus on the accomplishment of their dreams. The members of A.S. Management conveyed their compliments and congratulations to the students and staff of the school. The function concluded with the melodious and enchanting musical and dance performances. The event had a very positive and cheerful imprint on the faces for the whole day hereafter.